About Priory Electrical & Security

About me Nigel James, I love electrics and electronics. I suppose that’s just as well, having spent 24 years in the Royal Navy keeping helicopters in the air. Aircraft maintenance isn’t something you get half-right, some of the time – it needs to be spot-on, first time, every time.

I apply this ethos to my business so you, my customer, can rest assured you will get the best quality workmanship and service every time. To achieve this, you have to be professional, organised, methodical and love a challenge.

So whether it’s putting up a new light, re-wiring a home or finding that elusive tripping fault, there’s nothing to match the thrill of getting the satisfaction of telling my customer that they are now electrically safe in their home once again.

Priory Electrical & Security – For all your domestic and commercial electrical and security requirements. From putting up a new light fitting, installing additional sockets, smoke alarms or intruder alarms to full rewires, new builds and inspection and testing.

For a free no obligation quotation or if you just want some advice, call 07525858069.

4K Solar PV Fitting in Bristol

4K Solar PV Fitting in Bristol

Busy week again this week. Started with a trip over the bridge to Bristol to install a 4kW Solar PV system. Another satisfied customer saving on his electricity bill and earning cash for generating it too! If you'd like to know more about Solar PV or want a free, no...

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